Rialto Beach is the most accessible beach in the park. You can drive right up to the beach, and it is a pretty drive along the lower Quillayute River. There is a bit of forest to explore, but the main attraction here is the beach and the Pacific Ocean. The water is extremely cold. You won't see any swimmers, though you may see surfers in their wet suits.
Head north along the beach and cross the little stream down by the ocean where the flow is shallowest. You may have to take your shoes off and wade. Then explore the tide pools. Look for anemones and starfish. The latter were wiped out by disease in 2014, but are supposedly coming back.
At the north end of the beach there is a headland. Look carefully and you'll see that the trail continues. A narrow trail leads up and over the headland, passing through a forest paradise. There is another beach to explore, then another headland, then another trail and so on. This continues for miles, until the trail runs out of land, north near Neah Bay.
NOTES: This hike is best centered around a low low tide, one under three feet.
Time: 1:00 or longer
Driving time from Port Angeles: 1:15
Admission: ONP admission required
Facilities: Bathrooms